Some Favorites

On the North Atlantic right whale and what humans owe nature, for The New York Times

On the joys of inefficiency and whimsy, for The New York Times

Cover story on American exceptionalism and counter-exceptionalism, for The New Republic

On reading about remote islands — and being on one through a pandemic, for Meetinghouse

On the hollowness of Anglophone autofiction, for MEL

On the slow death of the New England Republicans, for The Atlantic

On the bigotry of Donald Trump, for The Atlantic

On the aesthetics of political violence, for The New Republic

On the history of the electoral college, for The Atlantic

On soil liquefaction and the collapse of Thonis-Heracleion, for The Atlantic

Read More

Longform and Print
What Nantucket Owes the Whale,” The New York Times (December 22, 2024)
Make America Good Again,” The New Republic (April 2022 Issue)
Longshore Drift,” Meetinghouse (Issue 2)
An Oral History of Trump’s Bigotry,” The Atlantic (June 2019 Issue)
Year of the Bell,” Nantucket Today

Elections and Politicians
The Iowa Caucus Was a Media Debacle, Too,” The New Republic
The Woman Who Could Beat Boris Johnson,” The New Republic
The Last Liberal Republicans Hang On,” The Atlantic
The Republican Leadership Member Most Likely to Lose,” The Atlantic
Oregon’s Hard Road for a Moderate Republican,” The Atlantic
The 53rd Republican Senator?” The American Prospect
West Virginia’s One Progressive Party,” The American Prospect

Policy and Reform
The Push to Remove Any Mention of Slavery From Vermont’s Constitution,” The Atlantic
The Electoral College Conundrum,” The Atlantic
There’s a Better Way to Elect House Members,” The Atlantic
The People v. the U.S. Senate,” The Atlantic
Why is There a Budget Crisis in Connecticut?” The American Prospect
Schools more diverse, crowded than ever,” The Inquirer and Mirror

Culture and Arts
Down With Efficiency (When We Get Around To It),” The New York Times
Billy Wilder Longs For American Kitsch,”The Los Angeles Review of Books
The Sad Young Writers Writing Sad Young Writers,” MEL
The Fall and Rise of the Guillotine,” The New Republic
The Crown’s Case for the Monarchy,” The New Republic
Philip Pullman’s Unorthodox Liberalism,” The American Scholar
How Game of Thrones Lost Its Way as a Political Drama,” The Atlantic
The Authoritarian Heroes of Game of Thrones,” The Atlantic

Science and Climate
An Ancient City’s Demise Hints at a Hidden Risk of Sea-Level Rise,” The Atlantic (cross-posted at CityLab)
The Gentle Giant’s Climate Problem,” The New York Observer